20 March, 2012

Tutorial for Beginners

Let me show you some quick and basic steps that you need to know before yo begin to build your website or blog.

Choose a website topic.
Before you can even start or choose a domain name, you should have a topic which you can talk and give a lot of contents.

Step 1 -  Register your domain name
A domain name is the primary address of your website
I recommend you to register your domain with GoDaddy.com,to register your domain name with GoDaddy Click here.

Step 2 – Choose a web hosting Service.
Web hosting stores your web pages and file so that they are access in the internet, choose a web hosting company that is well established and reliable.
There are a lot of company to choose from and you may also choose to host your website on free host where its totally free or you can pay a monthly fee for your site this depend on your choice.
Choose here for a  list of website hosting companies personally recommend BlueHost.

Step 3 - Create Website.
You can buy software’s to help you build your webpage or you can use free editing software to help you build your website pages, or otherwise you can learn HTML/CSS.
Joomla is one of the free website building software’s which run on either XAMMP or WAMP platform with great support.
I recommend you to use Joomla if it’s you are a beginner, you will love it.

Download Joomla Website Building Tutorials
These tutorials will help you to learn on how to create your successful website.

Tips on choosing a Domain Name